• Brand: Full Windsor
  • Brand: Humagreen
  • Brand: Solar Brother
  • Brand: VOYAGER

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Outdoor Kitchen

Explore our selection dedicated to outdoor cooking and hydration, ideal for adventure and outdoor enthusiasts.

With lightweight and compact gas, wood and multi-fuel stoves, accompany your efficient cooking expeditions wherever you go. Don't leave without our energy feeding solutions, including freeze-dried meals, energy bars and survival rations, designed to maximize your energy without the bulk.

Hydration is essential; our water filtration systems, water bottles and hydration bags guarantee access to safe water. Complete your equipment with our outdoor pots and tableware, light, durable and practical for your meals in nature. Prepare yourself to experience unforgettable adventures, well nourished and perfectly hydrated, with our range chosen for its quality and reliability.

Pâtes en sauce tomate à la Provençale...

€5.10 Price

SUNGOOD foldable solar cooker

The SunGood Foldable Solar Cooker from Solar Brother is much more than a simple kitchen accessory; it is a travel companion, a tool for environmental defenders, and a step towards a more sustainable way of life that respects our planet.

€99.95 Price

Compote de pommes lyophilisée

€4.90 Price

Crumble pomme-banane lyophilisé

€6.50 Price

SunCase GEAR solar lighter

Le briquet solaire SunCase Gear n'est pas un briquet ordinaire. Le SunCase se distingue par sa capacité unique à déployer ses "ailes" pour concentrer les rayons du soleil en un point focal précis.

Cette concentration d'énergie solaire permet un allumage rapide et efficace en seulement 3 secondes, capable d'enflammer bois, papier brun, tabac, encens, et bien d'autres matériaux.

€14.95 Price

Crumble pomme-framboise lyophilisé

€6.50 Price

Mousse au chocolat et ses pépites...

€6.50 Price

Taboulé aux petits légumes lyophilisé

€5.10 Price

Nouilles aux légumes façon Pad Thaï...

€9.50 Price

Porridge au jambon fumé et champignons...

€5.50 Price

Porridge aux framboises lyophilisées

€5.50 Price

Muesli granola extra chocolat lyophilisé

€4.90 Price

Muesli au pop corn & choco chunks...

€4.90 Price

Pâtes au saumon et à l'aneth lyophilisé

€9.50 Price

Foldable silicone water bottle

The HumaGreen foldable water bottle, flexible and practical, will be your everyday companion, whether at work, during exercise, on the move, or during your hikes or excursions.

€9.90 Price

Hachis Parmentier au bœuf lyophilisé

€9.50 Price

Couverts multifonctions Full Windsor The...

The Full Windsor Splitter, a multifunctional titanium utensil designed for your outdoor escapades. Ultra-light and sturdy, this tool is perfect for camping, barbecues and hiking. Ingeniously combining a spatula and a long spoon, the Splitter transforms into tongs thanks to a simple and effective locking mechanism. The stainless steel pin on the end of the spatula fits into a notch in the end of the spoon, providing a convenient solution for handling your food with precision.

€79.95 Price

Pâtes à la bolognaise lyophilisé

€6.90 Price

Carnet étanche tout temps 10X15 CM

The Muncher, a multi-function titanium utensil, essential for outdoor enthusiasts. Its lightweight design incorporates nine handy tools for cooking and other outdoor activities. Made with aerospace grade titanium, it guarantees excellent durability.

€49.95 Price

Pâtes et poulet sauce curry lyophilisé

€6.90 Price

Lentilles au jambon et petits légumes...

€8.50 Price

Porc au caramel et son riz lyophilisé

€6.90 Price

Couscous de poulet aux légumes lyophilisé

€9.50 Price

Pommes de terre au jambon fumé et aux...

€9.50 Price

Bœuf au riz et aux graines lyophilisé

€12.20 Price

Axoa de bœuf au piment d'Espelette...

€9.50 Price

Brandade de morue lyophilisé

€9.50 Price

Pâtes au fromage et aux champignons...

€6.90 Price

Gratin dauphinois aux 3 fromages lyophilisé

€8.50 Price

Purée Aligot lyophilisée

€8.50 Price


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