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  • €39.00 - €200.00





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Category - backpack: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used in typesetting and layout before printing. Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text of printing ever since the 1500s, when an anonymous printer scrambled scraps of text to make a type specimen book. It has not only survived five centuries, but has also adapted to computer office automation, without its content being modified. It was popularized in the 1960s with the sale of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with its inclusion in text layout applications, such as Aldus PageMaker.

Sac étanche 18L NAUTIK 1.0

The NautiK 1.0 18L waterproof bag offers rugged, versatile protection for your belongings, with a durable, waterproof design suitable for all weather conditions.

€79.90 Price

Sac à dos étanche Sea to Summit Big...

The Sea to Summit Big River Dry Backpack 50L waterproof backpack is ideal for demanding adventurers. With its anti-mold Hypalon Roll Top closure, its adjustable sternum strap and its 420D ripstop nylon resistant to water and abrasion, it offers a volume of 50 liters for only 760 g. Perfect for hiking, kayaking and traveling, it combines minimalism, waterproofing and comfort to transport your belongings safely.

€149.90 Price

Sea To Summit Big River 75L Waterproof...

The Big River 75L Jet Black waterproof backpack is perfect for keeping your equipment dry and transporting it comfortably. Featuring compact handles, a triple-coated oval base for improved water drainage and a mildew-resistant Hypalon Roll Top closure, this water- and abrasion-resistant 420D ripstop nylon bag is designed to last. Ideal for demanding outdoor adventures.

€179.95 Price

Sac à dos Dry Pak 18L - Fox Outdoor


Lightweight, waterproof 18L backpack, IPX4 equivalent, with adjustable and padded shoulder straps, interior zip pocket, elastic mesh pockets, front fastening straps, and high-quality glued seams. Ideal for outdoor activities. Dimensions: 65 x 40 x 13 cm. Weight: 480 g.

€39.00 Price

Sac à dos Dry Pak 20L - Fox Outdoor


Robust and waterproof 20L transport bag, very light (700 g), with removable and adjustable straps, adjustable chest strap, worked seams, anti-dust and anti-water closure, side and front pockets, and drawstring elastic. Ideal for outdoor adventures. Height: 60 cm, Diameter: 25 cm.

€57.90 Price

sac à dos randonnée ACCESS 20 L VENTI

€120.00 Price

Sac à dos randonnée ACCESS JUNIOR

€90.00 Price

Sac à dos randonnée ACTIVE 18 L

€70.00 Price

Sac à dos SENTINEL 20 L

€120.00 Price


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